Top 5 Features of Tower of Fantasy, a shared open-world RPG

Top 5 Features of Tower of Fantasy, a shared open-world RPG
Tower of Fantasy, or TOF for short, is an upcoming game from Level Infinite and Hotta Studios that aims to completely revolutionize the open-world gacha genre. Tower of Fantasy’s sci-fi appeal seeks for the stars with its gorgeous anime visual and action-packed gameplay.
Check out the top 5 features of Tower of Fantasy below.

#1: Futuristic Waifus and Husbandos

A solid gacha game must always feature outstanding waifus and husbandos, and Tower of Fantasy offers them in abundance. Aside from a highly configurable player character, this game’s gacha system focuses mostly on weapons. Whenever you acquire a weapon, you will receive the signature skin of the wielder. TOF provides a unique option for open-world gameplay in which you must pull for both characters and weapons independently. In the game, you receive both the character’s skin and the weapon at the same time.

#2: A War Between Factions

Tower of Fantasy is set in the massive world of Aida. There are three fighting factions in the realm of Aida: Hykros, Heirs of Aida, and the Hyenas. Each of these factions has different objectives in this universe as they compete for the valuable resource Omnium. Hykros fervently believes that Omnium is the key to a brighter future and is devoted to their mission. The Heirs of Aida think that the excessive usage of Omnium will hasten the end of the world and so oppose its use. The Hyenas are scavengers and raiders seeking to profit from the turmoil of the planet’s ongoing war. You must decide which side to support.

#3: Uncharted Worlds

Aida is a large, explorable open world. The game’s sci-fi vibes are amplified by the immensely distinct visuals of its landscapes and zones. As you explore, you will meet a variety of alien species, from flora to wildlife. As there is a great deal of ground to traverse in Tower of Fantasy, a variety of vehicles are available for travel. With high-tech gliders, Tron-like motorcycles, and hoverboards, Tower of Fantasy allows players to explore the world of Aida with panache.

#4: Multiplayer Raids

When you get bored of single-player open-world games, TOF also offers a new choice of how you can play in an open-world: Team up! With Tower of Fantasy’s emphasis on multiplayer settings and bosses, we could be in for a lot more traditional MMO-like experience.

#5: Battle Royale

The most engaging mode in Tower of Fantasy is a Battle Royale of some sort. A combination of the Gacha and Battle Royale genres seems like a brilliant idea upon reflection. With a large map and various vehicles to commandeer, this may be a perfect match. It will be extremely intriguing to see if Tower of Fantasy follows through with this Battle Royale mode, despite the fact that no other information has been confirmed.
Tower of Fantasy is slated for release in 2022 for Android, iOS, and PC platforms. It will support eight languages and offers enticing pre-registration rewards. If the number of pre-registrations hits 2.5 million by the end of 2022, everyone will receive all of the available items to launch their interstellar trip.

Top 5 Features of Tower of Fantasy, a shared open-world RPG
Source: Magandang Gabi Viral

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