Moonton has revealed its first anime skin line for Mobile Legends called “The Aspirants,” along with several events. The two new anime-themed skins are Layla “Miss Hikari” and Fanny “Blade of Kibou.” Check out below the MLBB The Aspirants event dates, free skins, rewards, and more.
The Aspirants Browser Event (January 16 to 23, 2022)
Players can get permanent skins by participating in the web event.
To access the Mobile Legends’ The Aspirants Browser Event, you must go to the Event page in-game, followed by “The Aspirants” event page. Next, tap on the “FREE SKINS” followed by “Go,” and you’ll be redirected to the event page via browser.
Once you’re on the browser, you can skip the introduction. You will be asked to select either “Fanny” or “Layla” as your combat captain. The rewards will vary based on the selection. Choosing Fanny will give Fanny’s “Lifeguard” skin after completing specific tasks, while selecting Layla will offer Beatrix’s “Blitz Attack” skin.
To complete tasks, go to “Combat resources.” There are various tasks on this page, such as Logging in to the game and Sharing the event. Completing tasks will reward you with a random number of resources.
If another player joins the event via the shared link, you will receive combat resources. The number of players who can join the event via that link is unlimited, but each player can only be invited once. Meaning, you can obtain additional combat resources by asking for assistance from other players or your friends.
After claiming a sufficient number of combat resources, access the “Combat Drill” menu and start a “Solo combat.” You will earn a random reward and a recognition badge. Amity badges can be earned through “Co-Op combat.” You can claim your permanent skin for free after collecting all five Amity badges.
Three Recognition badges will result in the creation of a half Amity badge. Without assistance from other players or friends, it will take 30 solo combat victories to earn all Amity badges.
You will receive the free rewards via the game’s mailbox.
Academy Supplies (January 18 to February 11, 2022)
Moreover, there will be an “Academy Supplies” event where players can receive a random avatar border and a sacred statue donning the two new skins.
Exclusive Supplies (January 29 to 30 and February 5 to 6, 2022)
In this event, players are guaranteed free skin. They’ll get the chance to win a free The Aspirants skin or an elite skin – King of Muay Thai Chou.
The Aspirants Event (January 22 to February 25, 2022)
The Aspirants Event in Mobile Legends will start on January 22 until February 25, 2022. The featured skins, Layla “Miss Hikari” and Fanny “Blade of Kibou,” can be unlocked through a draw event during the festival time. Draw 10x and get “Orb of Hope” *1. Hit the same box three times to claim extra skin. The Aspirants’ skin will be prioritized.
To know more detail about The Aspirants event, you can visit the official pages of Mobile Legends on Facebook and Twitter.
To recall, Mobile Legends has collaborated with prominent video games, media, and figures to release themed skins, such as movie titles Transformers and Star Wars, as well as boxing icon Manny Pacquiao.
MLBB ‘The Aspirants’ Event: Dates, Free Skins, Rewards
Source: Magandang Gabi Viral