Vladimir Trivia Answers in Wild Rift Event

Vladimir Trivia Answers in Wild Rift Event

Vladimir was added to the Wild Rift roster in Patch 4.3a. Along with this, Riot Games prepared an event for the new Mage champion regarding his lore. Check out the Vladimir trivia answers.

About Urgot

Here's a brief summary by Riot Games of the story of Vladimir:
A fiend with a thirst for mortal blood, Vladimir has influenced the affairs of Noxus since the empire's earliest days. In addition to unnaturally extending his life, his mastery of hemomancy allows him to control the minds and bodies of others as easily as his own. In the flamboyant salons of the Noxian aristocracy, this has enabled him to build a fanatical cult of personality around himself—while in the lowest back alleys, it allows him to bleed his enemies dry.

Wild Rift - Vlad's Trivia

Event Dates

  • Start - August 17, 2023 / 00:00 UTC
  • Answers Revealed - August 22, 2023 / 23:59 UTC
  • End - August 25, 2023 / 23:59 UTC*
(*According to Riot Games, dates and times are subject to change. Always check the in-game schedule for the most accurate information.)

Be sure to lock in your answers before the answers are released, and then claim all of your loot before the event ends.

Event Rewards

Correctly answering all the Vladimir trivia questions will reward you with the following:
  • Vladimir Drowning Emote
  • 5 Poro Coins per correct answer (max 30)
  • The Crimson Reaper Icon

Vladimir Trivia Answers

Here are the answers to each question regarding the trivia for LoL Wild Rift's new champion, Vladimir.

#1. Vladimir is a:

  • Choices:
    1. Vampire
    2. Enchanter
    3. Bloodmancer
    4. Hemomancer
  • Answer: D. Hemomancer
  • Explanation: According to his lore, his mastery is hemomancy.

#2. What can Vladimir do while he is in his Sanguine Pool?

  • Choices:
    1. Auto-attack
    2. Cast Abilities
    3. Use Items
    4. Go Through Walls
  • Answer: C. Use Items
  • Explanation: Vladimir can "use items" while he's casting Sanguine Pool.

#3. From whom did Vladimir learn his dark powers?

  • Choices:
    1. A Darkin
    2. A Dragon
    3. A Titan
    4. An Aspect
  • Answer: A. A Darkin
  • Explanation: According to his story, Vladimir learned his dark powers from his Darkin master.

#4. Where is Vladimir from?

  • Choices:
    1. Noxus
    2. Demacia
    3. Icathia
    4. Camavor
  • Answer: D. Camavor
  • Explanation: Vladimir hails from Camavor, a forgotten kingdom located in the east of the continent of Runeterra.

#5. Of the following institutions, which group is Vladimir, not a member of?

  • Choices:
    1. The Black Rose
    2. The Royal Family of Camavor
    3. The Crimson Circle
    4. The Trifarix Council
  • Answer: D. The Trifarix Council
  • Explanation: Vladimir is not a member of The Trifarix Council.

#6. Which of these activities is Vladimir not known for?

  • Choices:
    1. Draining victims in back alleys
    2. Bumping elbows with aristocrats
    3. Trafficking with demons
    4. Indulgent hedonistic behavior
  • Answer: C. Trafficking with demons
  • Explanation: Vladimir is infamous for his association with demons.

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Image via Riot Games

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