LoL Preseason 2022: Champ Balance, New Items, Dragons, more

LoL Preseason 2022: Champ Balance, New Items, Dragons, more
Riot Games has released a video called “Preseason 2022 and the State of the Game,” detailing the changes for its MOBA game League of Legends. This upcoming preseason brings champion balance, new items, updates to the runes system, new bounties for objectives and towers, as well as new dragons. Check out the details below.

New Champion Balance

Riot admitted that there had been times when they’ve given new champions too many tools and had to pull back later to provide them with more clear weaknesses.
Moreover, Riot is trying to make a healthy mix of high-, medium-, and low-complexity champions. Thus, a new champion will pique players’ interest, whether mechanical skill expression, point-and-click simplicity or something in between.
Riot also added that designing new champions requires a constant balance of excitement, clarity of counterplay, and avoidance of confusion. At the same time, they want to reach a point where new champions are not only numerically balanced but also feel balanced to play against.

New Items

Here are some of the proposed items coming in the 2022 preseason.
Some of the new Mythic items that will be introduced in the preseason are as follows:
  • A support-tank ‘Mythic’ item that immobilizes an enemy champion and all nearby enemies will suffer increased damage from your team for a short duration. (Recommended for tank champs like Sejuani and Leona)
  • A mage ‘Mythic’ item that grants damage reduction lingers for a few seconds after getting hit. While the protection holds, you’ll also get Ability Haste. (Recommended for long-range mages like Xerath and Ziggs)
Riot also mentioned that they plan to improve Legendary items for mages, assassins, and tanks. Here are some of them:
  • Assassins can look forward to a new Legendary item that grants Ability Haste and reduces their Ultimate’s cooldown when they take down an enemy.
  • Tanks who rely on mana will receive a new Legendary item that grants additional health based on total mana and burns some of it to create a shield whenever they immobilize an enemy.
  • Mages will get a new Legendary item that grants magic penetration against recently-shielded enemies.

Runes System

As for Runes, Riot devs think there are some excellent, targeted changes they need to make.
Riot’s director of gameplay production Jeremy Lee said, “Most of all, we feel the Inspiration tree’s identity has been pretty unclear, and we’d like to broaden its keystone use cases.”
Glacial Augment is being reworked by the developers to “double down” on its “fantasy” of slowing down enemies. Additionally, they’re tweaking Lethal Tempo to “lean into its attack speed fantasy” and provide it with a more “distinct use-case” in the Precision tree.

New Bounties for Objectives and Towers

According to Riot, champion bounties provide a means for teams that are falling behind to claw their way back into the game. Along with this system, Riot will introduce the Objective Bounties.
Objective bounties will function similarly to champion bounties, except they will be redeemed by capturing map objectives such as towers or the Baron.
They gradually increase in size as the enemy team’s lead increases, and the bounty is shared equally among your entire team, regardless of who claimed it.

New Dragons

The following are the two new dragons in the preseason of League of Legends.
Hextech Dragon
Hextech Dragon (League of Legends)
When your team defeats it, everyone gains additional ability haste and attack speed. Additionally, if you claim the soul, you’ll receive a chain-slow similar to Statikk Shiv’s passive.
When Hextech Dragon takes over the map, it creates Hextech Gates that allow you to transport to specified locations across the map.
Chemtech Dragon
Chemtech Dragon (League of Legends)
The Chemtech dragon grants a team increased damage when their health points are low. Moreover, the soul provides them with a “second chance” at life. When players die, they’ll enter a “Zombie State,” in which they can still cast abilities and fight while viewing a gray screen for a short time.
When Chemtech dragon takes over the Rift, it creates “camouflage zones” in “fixed locations.”

Other highlights

Other topics discussed by Riot for the league’s 2022 preseason are the new rank-related system called “Challenges,” various upcoming game modes, and the popular game mode “Ultimate Spellbook.”
Preseason 2022 will be available in a couple of weeks on the game’s test environment, and Riot will adjust these new changes if they cause too much disruption.
Currently, the best League of Legends teams worldwide are vying for a spot in the game’s annual Worlds tournament.
On the other hand, the Netflix series “Arcane,” featuring Hextech and Chemtech in the cities of Zaun and Piltover, will premiere in November.

LoL Preseason 2022: Champ Balance, New Items, Dragons, more
Source: Magandang Gabi Viral

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